
MMO International website development

17 February 2015 | Tags: , ,

MMO International is a French designer and manufacturer of bespoke furniture for community premises’. Based in Vitre, Brittany, the company has been offering its customers robust and stylish products that offer real return on investment to its clients for over 106 years. Win Marketing recently developed a new website for the company in order to better showcase the companies high quality products.


Give your digital marketing some love with the help of Win

13 February 2015 | Tags: , , ,

Valentines day is tomorrow and as tradition dictates, many people will be showing love to their significant others. Here at Win marketing we decided to put a different spin on Valentines day, by showing how you can treat your company’s digital marketing at this time of year. Considering the fact that you can’t give it some cheap chocolates and petrol station flowers as a sign of your love, this may be the only way you can show your digital marketing your feelings! Detailed in this post are six key elements of digital marketing and how Win can help you vastly improving each aspect.


Programming for Primaries week and an interview with our head web developer

28 January 2015 | Tags: ,

Monday marked the start of this year’s ‘Programming for Primaries’ week. The week aims to raise awareness of the need to introduce programming skills to children at an early age, whilst aiming to shine a spotlight on the support and resources available both directly to children and to help schools and teachers deliver great programming classes in primary schools.


Win’s 15 years of change weeks 10-15

This is the final blog post celebrating Win’s 15 years in business. In this post, we focus on the changes that we’ve experienced in regards to Brands, Digital Marketing, Technology, Presentations, Internet Browsers & something that hasn’t changed; Busines Cards.


In the 2000s, we have seen many brands come and go. The advancement of digital camera technology has displaced many brands, such as Konica and Minolta. Kodak even filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and sold many of its patents to thriving digital brands like Apple, Google and Facebook. The huge growth of grocery store brands like Tesco and Asda has also caused many retailers disappear, such as Safeway and Woolworths.

Digital Marketing

‘Social media marketing’ is a term that has only recently been coined. 15 years ago, marketers would have never thought that they would be using a social network to communicate their brand message. Today, it is crucial for brands to have a social media presence and interact with their customers on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.


Over the course of the past 15 years, office technology has greatly advanced. Tape recorders, fax machines and overhead projectors are items that you would never see in an office today. In fact, smartphones and tablets have replaced many office tools, such as calculators and notepads.


Today, putting together a presentation is a relatively easy task – only when compared with the work involved in a preparing a presentation in 1999. At the time, Power Point was not widely used. So, marketers relied on slides and overhead projectors to display their work to potential and existing clients. It took a great deal of planning and precision to ensure a successful presentation, whereas today’s Power Point presentations can be edited with just a quick click of the mouse.

Internet Browsers

Remember Netscape? If you used the internet in the 1990s, it was likely that you used Netscape to do your browsing. In the early 2000s, Microsoft Internet Explorer became the browser of choice before Firefox emerged as a favourite among internet users in 2005. Google Chrome was launched in 2008, creating even more competition in the market. Today, the most popular web browsers are Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

One Thing That Hasn’t Changed – The Power of the Business Card

Despite all of these significant changes in the marketing world, one important thing has remained the same: the business card remains a powerful tool for marketers. It provides a personal introduction that you will not achieve through social networks like LinkedIn. Regardless of new technological advancements in the marketing industry, we believe that a good business card, a great first impression and a personal touch will always be the most valuable marketing tools.


Three Niche Marketing Tactics As Used by Netflix

Netflix is one of the best performers in the home entertainment market. The video streaming service has over 3 million subscribers in the UK, and has earned itself spot as an industry leader by adopting niche marketing tactics to set itself apart from the competition.

Content Marketing

In the digital marketing world, it is important to create original and compelling content to establish your brand’s authority. By focusing on promoting its own exclusive series, Netflix is doing the same thing. Shows like House of Cards and Orange is the New Black are television series that cannot be found anywhere else on television or the internet. So, Netflix is able to draw in consumers and improve its authority by offering up a viewing experience that no one else can match.

“Original shows are content marketing,” says Matt Kumin, chief executive (CEO) of PublishThis. “The whole idea is to create unique experiences that are original, add value, and connect with your target audience”.

Reliance of Word of Mouth Advertising
One factor that has always set Netflix apart from other media brands is its reliance on word-of-mouth. Rather than focusing on brand advertising, the company prefers ‘to activate their existing user base to be brand advocates’.

Whenever you watch a show or a movie, Netflix automatically ‘shares’ your activity with your Facebook friends. So, you are spreading the word about Netflix without having to actively do anything aside from watching your favourite shows.

Still, Netflix could be doing more with its social media marketing. As major platforms for word-of-mouth marketing, Facebook and Twitter could be incredibly useful for Netflix. However, the company has just 1.04 million Twitter followers and 10 million Facebook fans – and is not particularly active on either network.

The Netflix blog could also do with being more engaging; currently, it only provides technical updates and the company could benefit by using this platform to offer contests and engage with bloggers. There is a huge opportunity here, and it seems like Netflix may be missing out.

Bringing Fictional Characters To Life
Another one of Netflix’s new marketing tactics adds television show characters to your Friends List. If you’ve been on Netflix recently, you may notice recommendations from Netflix fictional characters. For example, there is a category for ‘Watched By Piper Chapman’, one the main character of Orange is the New Black. Her recommendations include: Legally Blonde and Clueless. This is quite an interesting new feature, and it certainly has people talking.

Win Marketing can help you develop unique and innovative marketing strategies to strengthen your brand. For more information, visit our Strategy & Tactics page or call us at: (0)1509 265890.


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